Website usage conditions

Dear visitors,

We appreciate that you read this page carefully before using the content of the SĂVESCU & amp; ASSOCIATIONS. Visiting and using this site can only be done if you agree to these terms of use. Visiting and using the site is subject to acceptance of these terms of use.

Mandatory power of these terms of use
It is reasonable that these terms of use are accepted by you by simply accessing the website, representing the agreement between you and us in connection with its use.

Personal data protection
To find out about the privacy policy of our website, please read the Website Privacy Policy and the Cookies page.

To find out how our organization uses personal data, please read the information page on the protection of personal data.

Minor access
The content of this website is not intended for minors, but its content is not harmful to them. However, some links to other sites may lead the user to pages that are not recommended for minors.

The downloading of the pages of the website is done without us assuming that the pages are not infected with viruses, Trojans or other such unwanted products, which could harm your computer or the information on it. Links to other Internet sites are public information. They have been carefully selected by us, but we emphasize that we are not responsible for the usefulness or accuracy of these websites. It is important to note that we are not affiliated with the owners of those websites. Exceptions will be mentioned or will be obvious. We cannot be held liable for any damages that those websites may directly or indirectly cause you.

Unfortunately, since the Internet is an open public space, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and presence of the pages displayed by your browser, nor the communication between Internet nodes. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any damages, directly or indirectly caused by the operation of the site, nor for the malfunctions of the site. The website is „as is”. Although you take some risks using this site, we are confident that you will be very satisfied with our services, but for a good relationship between you and us please note the terms of these terms of use.

Reproduction and dissemination of any text, in any form, from this website may be done only with our consent, except for reproduction and dissemination for press and academic purposes.

Any dispute between you and us will be settled amicably, if possible, within 30 days of receipt. The appearance will be recorded in writing. If the dispute could not be settled amicably within the said time limit, the competent court shall be notified. The jurisdiction will belong territorially to the District 3 Court or to the Bucharest Tribunal, as the case may be.

For any ambiguities, questions, comments and suggestions, as well as for any irregularities related to this website, please contact us immediately, using the contact page .

* this page was last updated: May 11, 2018